Fewer than 30 days are left to sign up for Tenstreet’s 2025 User Conference! Don’t delay, register today!
Registration is now open for our 2025 Tenstreet User Conference! We’re looking forward to sharing our perspective on the industry, addressing problems and sharing best practices, and spending valuable time with the clients we spend all year creating our solutions for.
Our 7th User Conference will take place May 7-10, 2025 at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. We'll be gathering together our vendors, our Tenstreet experts, and our clients to connect and share knowledge, with some Vegas fun squeezed in along the way.
This year’s conference will deliver a ton of value — we’re bringing back many of our clients’ favorite features like:
The best part? Attendees will receive free access to our latest innovations 90 days before everyone else, and also will receive a discount on these new products once they are generally available.
Register today for 2025’s 7th Annual User Conference, and we’ll see you in Vegas!
Wednesday, May 7th
Early Registration & Social Hour - Pick up your registration packet and join the Tenstreet team plus your fellow conference-goers to start making connections early over drinks and kick off your time in Vegas right!
Thursday, May 8th
Opening Session: Bridging Today and Tomorrow with Tim Crawford - Opening remarks from CEO Tim Crawford and Product Lead Elizabeth Sontag launch the event and explore how UConnect and the products revealed this year will help carriers bridge processes, departments, and ideas to build an interconnected and efficient company in 2025 and beyond.
Before the Hire
After the Hire
Happy Hour - Enjoy a happy hour at the Marquee in the Cosmopolitan!
Friday, May 9th
Day 2 Kickoff with Tim Crawford and Elizabeth Sontag - Start the second day of the conference with more exclusive product reveals and industry insights.
Trusted Tips and Tools in the Legal Landscape - Join Tenstreet's General Counsel, Shannon Wheeler, as she breaks down the newest legal changes to understand how you can respond and stay ahead.
Before the Hire
After the Hire
Q&A with Tenstreet - Ask us anything! Tenstreet's senior leadership will be available to answer questions about our products, development process, and more.
Connection Points
Breakfast & Lunch - Fuel up between sessions with delicious meals and take a moment to meet fellow attendees and learn more about our sponsors.
Help Desk - Drop in and ask any question that’s on your mind – our expert teams can help you with any problem you can think of.
1:1s - Meet with a Tenstreet specialist to get hands-on guidance on our new tools, discuss your account and dashboard, and see how we can help you succeed.
Client Dinners - We want to spend as much time as possible with our valued users, so we’ll show you a night on the town in Vegas on us!
Session topics and order subject to change.
Got a question about the event? Check out our FAQ page for more info!
Shared by Amy Piper - Compliance & Licensing Specialist, Don Hummer Trucking
I was fortunate enough to attend the Tenstreet User Conference in 2024. My first industry event, I spent the months and weeks leading up to the conference scouring the internet for any information I could find: pictures, reviews, stories. Sadly, the amount of information was fairly limited to what Tenstreet published on their social media accounts, and perhaps that was for the better as experiencing the conference first-hand eclipsed any expectations I had.
From the moment I checked in until the last day at the conference, I was absolutely blown away by the attention to detail that Tenstreet put into the conference. It was wonderful to finally put a face with some of the names that I had interacted with during my time using Tenstreet, including Amanda Bebee who had been one of my main points of contact for assistance. I am rather slow to open up around people I do not know, but by the end of the conference, I was happy to talk to anyone and everyone, sharing my experiences in the trucking industry over the past twenty years.
I appreciated the number of vendors present and was excited to meet some of the companies that I have been working with over the years, including DISA, DriverIQ, DriverFacts, and others. In particular, I got to sit down with Mylene Abrego from DriverFacts several times throughout the conference and make what I felt to be a very personal connection. Mylene continues to reach out to me occasionally to ask about me and my life – she even remembers that I have pet rabbits! That sort of personal connection with someone meant a lot to me then during the conference and continues to mean a lot to me now nearly a year later.
As far as the actual subject of the conference, it was great to get to know more about the Tenstreet platform in general. It really opened my eyes to what it can do from a Safety perspective, and I learned about some features on the platform that I did not know before. I am mostly self-taught when it comes to Tenstreet and operate on the ‘poke around and figure it out’ sort of thing, but if I already have a solution in place for a process, I don’t always investigate to find out if there is something better that could be helping me. The User Conference opened my eyes to ways we could be doing better in managing our Driver Files, using the Safety Management side to ensure our files are in compliance and ready for an audit – should one ever occur.
My time in Las Vegas at the 2024 User Conference continues to be an event that I look back on fondly. Being immersed in an industry event, surrounded by other people who are there for the same reasons I am was amazing. I have been in the trucking industry for over 20 years now and continue to be amazed by the breadth of personalities and people that have found their way into the industry. And getting a peek at that at the User Conference was incredible. I hope that if I get the opportunity to attend again, I will be able to do so with more confidence than before and make more connections.
Because isn’t that what trucking is about? Connections? From point A to point B, whether that’s for a load or for people.
“Vegas is obviously a nice perk, but I do really enjoy the content. I like that there’s always something new. You’re launching new stuff all the time, but being able to hear about it in person and hear the experts talk about it, it’s way better than just getting an email saying, ‘Hey, we have this awesome update.’ Those are nice as well, but getting that in-person interaction and connection is always great. With all the stuff that’s always changing, all the updates, all the new options, learning about those and being able to take them back and implement them is extremely beneficial.”
Conner Bane, Recruiter and Processor Manager, Venture Transport
“I love the fact that I can go and sit with somebody and be like, ‘All right, this is what I got, help me,’ and just walk through some of the different challenges that I’m seeing and better ways to do it. So I think having that time to really sit down with a Tenstreet person and focus with the tool in front of both of us has been fantastic.”
Kilie Erickson, Recruiter, PTS Worldwide
“I love that first hour and a half with Tim. Going through the year and the new developments and what you’ve learned and how you’re helping your clients do their jobs better. But there’s always something. There’s always some new innovation. We’re the kind of company, we want to be out in front. It’s important for us to be here. That’s why we bring three or four people every year.”
Tim Norlin, Vice President of Driver Employment, Roehl Transport
“Not only does Tenstreet have great people that we are working with, they have pleasant attitudes, they answer questions, and if they don’t know the answer, they lead you to the right person who knows the answer. And not only that, you get to meet with your peers, see what other companies are doing.”
Christopher Harbin, Director of Recruiting, Heniff Transportation Systems
“Every year coming to the conference, you always get something new out of it. So it’s not the same thing every year. You’re able to see a lot of different things before other people because we get that 90-day trial. And it’s the camaraderie of the team members that Tenstreet has here. They’re just so friendly and willing to help with any kind of questions. When you go to dinners, they don’t talk about Tenstreet. They talk about your family. They talk about your personal life. And they really, truly want to get to know you and help you. Today I had a question for Tim. And I said, do you mind if my VP talks to you about the maintenance side? And he took the phone call. It’s just that personalization that Tenstreet gives you.”
Biscuit Nunnally, Transportation Manager, Gourmet Foods International